Jump in movie list to letters with XBMC remote?


I’m looking for this a long time now, but I can’t find a solution and I’m wondering, if it will be possible in OSMC.
When you have a large movie collection, it would be great, if you are able to jump to a letter in the list.

For example: I’m at the beginning of my collection and want to the movie “Spiderman”. Instead of scrolling all my way down I’d prefer to jump to “S” (the first movie which begins with the letter s) and scroll from there. Is there a way or will there be one in future?!

I’m using the XBMC Remote on an iPhone. (I know that it work on a keyboard when you do a “Shift - Letter” command), but it won’t work on the XBMC remote?!

Thanks so far!
By the way: I love OSMC, great work (even it is still in alpha it works like a charm :smile:

Kind regards from austria!


I have the Kodi remote app on iPhone 6 as well and when in the movie list I have a vertical bar containing letters A to Z at the right side of the screen. Just touching a letter positions the list at that letter …