Keymapping my remote

Which “windows” do I need to do keymap for to decide how a button acts while audiosync OSD or subtitlesync OSD is on screen?
What are their names?
I am talking about the mode in which you are when the command subtitledelay or audiodelay has been sent while playing video.

Grateful for help/ Gurgel

It could be mapped to “Global” where it wouldn’t do anything outside of playback but the specific window name your looking for is “FullscreenVideo”. There is a list of window names [here]. If your using an OSMC remote these two commands are already keymapped as such…

		<escape mod="longpress">playerdebug</escape>
		<home mod="longpress">playerdebug</home>
		<leftbracket mod="longpress">playerprocessinfo</leftbracket>
		<i mod="longpress">playerprocessinfo</i>
		<return mod="longpress">Playlist</return>
		<up mod="longpress">SkipNext</up>
		<down mod="longpress">SkipPrevious</down>
		<left mod="longpress">AudioDelay</left>
		<right mod="longpress">subtitledelay</right>
		<rightbracket mod="longpress">ActivateWindow(osdaudiosettings)</rightbracket>
		<c mod="longpress">ActivateWindow(osdaudiosettings)</c>
		<play_pause mod="longpress">showsubtitles</play_pause>
		<p mod="longpress">showsubtitles</p>
		<stop mod="longpress">ActivateWindow(osdsubtitlesettings)</stop>
		<x mod="longpress">ActivateWindow(osdsubtitlesettings)</x>

It was not that window actually, I had already mapping for fullscreenVideo and it is not that behavior which is used when the audiosync is active.

But mapping global worked like a charm for my needs, thanks for the tip. No need to know window name then I guess.

regards / Peter

Your trying to adjust in Video playing through an add-on?

I did not understand this response.
This is my keymap file now, and and it does what I wanted. Global is what I just added:

> <keymap>
>   <global>
>     <keyboard>     
>       <volume_up>StepForward</volume_up>
>       <volume_down>StepBack</volume_down>
>     </keyboard>
>   </global>
>   <FullscreenVideo>
>     <keyboard>
>       <up>OSD</up>
>       <down>OSD</down>
>       <browser_back>Back</browser_back>
>       <volume_up mod="longpress">AudioNextLanguage</volume_up>
>       <volume_down mod="longpress">NextSubtitle</volume_down>
>       <volume_up>StepForward</volume_up>
>       <volume_down>StepBack</volume_down>
>       <left mod="longpress"></left>
>       <right mod="longpress"></right>
>       <play_pause mod="longpress">subtitledelay</play_pause>
>       <stop mod="longpress">audiodelay</stop>
>     </keyboard>
>     <remote>
>       <up>OSD</up>
>       <down>OSD</down>
>       <back>Back</back>
>       <menu>OSD</menu>
>     </remote>
>   </FullscreenVideo>
>   <VideoOSD>
>     <keyboard>
>       <up>Back</up>
>       <down>Back</down>
>       <volume_up>StepForward</volume_up>
>       <volume_down>StepBack</volume_down>
>     </keyboard>
>     <remote>
>       <up>Back</up>
>       <down>Back</down>
>       <menu>Back</menu>
>     </remote>
>   </VideoOSD>
> </keymap>

I am trying to understand why you were finding fullscreenvideo not the correct window but after rereading the OP I think I see the issue. You are trying to map when the audiosync and subtitlesync overlays are on the screen. I was originally thinking you wanted to map those actions which is a bit different. The answer is that the only way to do this AFAIK is to global as you can only map to a window or global, and those two things are overlays, not windows.

I forgot to thank you. Mapping globally works nicely

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