Kodi crashes when trying to open specific JPEG-folder


I am using OSMC Alpha 4 for my RasPi, and try to access photos on a SMB-share.

My problem: all folders work fine, I can watch images, But there is one specific folder with around 80 JPEG image files, as soon as I open that folder, I get a blue screen with a sad smiley, and then kodi brings me back to the main menu. I tried to enable debug logging, but when that error happens, I don’t get any debug data, the debug file seems to be rewritten just after the “crash” happens.

What might cause this, and how can I analyze this bug more deeply?

Here is what I do:

  • Go to settings, enable debuggin
  • go to my pictures folder.
  • Kodi gives me the bad smiley, and returns instantly to the main menu
  • I ftp to the RasPi, ,and open the debug log (kodi.log), but it does have only entries from the time AFTER the “sad smiley”, why?

Any ideas? Thanks!

Regarding the log file, every time Kodi restarts, the original kodi.log is renamed to kodi.old.log (in /home/osmc/.kodi/temp) and a new kodi.log is created.

So if you’re trying to capture a kodi log from the previous session (eg before the crash) you actually want kodi.old.log if you’re grabbing the log after Kodi has already restarted.

In the case of an outright crash of Kodi (which will display the sad face) you’re unlikely to see anything of value in the kodi log unfortunately.

I know that after a crash the logfile would be renamed, but in my case (sad face screen), I am totally screwed, right?

Read @DBMandrake’s post again.

I did, but will this be fixed sometime? Or what can I do to find the reason for that crash?

Even though it is said to be “unlikley” did you look at the kodi.old.log?

I think i may have encountered something similar, but with images from scrapers that made Kodi crash to sad face.

It happened with the OSMC skin, and the debug log always ended with something similar to the following.
(The last 4 lines from old log where it happened)

23:43:03 T:2791302176   DEBUG: DecodeJpegToTexture: decoded special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/4/4c74392c.jpg 400x225
23:43:03 T:2809132064   DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Deinitialize : OMX.broadcom.image_decode handle 0xaf739ca8
23:43:03 T:2809132064   DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Deinitialize : OMX.broadcom.egl_render handle 0xa04479f0
23:43:03 T:2809132064   DEBUG: DecodeJpegToTexture: decoded special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/1/199a2bda.jpg 400x225

I am sure there is a problem somewhere with certain JPG’s, but never got further with it.

[quote=“Jackie, post:1, topic:1199, full:true”]
My problem: all folders work fine, I can watch images, But there is one specific folder with around 80 JPEG image files, as soon as I open that folder, I get a blue screen with a sad smiley, and then kodi brings me back to the main menu.[/quote]

Can you identify the specific problematic jpg file?
Split the 80 JPEG folder into two folders of 40. Check which one crashes.
Split the 40 JPEG folder into two folders of 20. Check which one crashes.
Split the 20 JPEG folder into two folders of 10. Check which one crashes.
Split the 10 JPEG folder into two folders of 5. Check which one crashes.
Split the 5 JPEG folder into two folders of 3 and 2. Check which one crashes.
Split the 3 JPEG folder into two folders of 2 and 1. Check which one crashes.
Split the 2 JPEG folder into two folders of 1 and 1. Check which one crashes.

in not many steps you should identify the problematic jpeg. Upload (e.g. to dropbox/google drive) and get me a link.

Well, that was my first thought too, but the problem is not that easy: first of all, I copied all the files in the crashing folder to another directory, and all the files work from there. Next I checked the permissions of the problematic folder, but they appear to be the same ones than others that don’t make any problems. The folder structure ist not very deep, it’s something like \server\folder\subfolder\share, and the filenames are rather short. In fact, I cannot think of what’s actually causing this problem, so a working logging would be very helpful.

Can you explain on a technical basis why exactly the logfile is destroyed in this scenario?

If Kodi crashes and restarts the log that was active during the crash is renamed to kodi.old.log when Kodi restarts.

All I was pointing out is that a crash of the executable often may not log anything useful because there is no chance for errors to be logged when the process ends abruptly with a segfault.

However it looks like in this particular case the log has shown that it may be crashing during jpeg decoding - which is done by the GPU hardware on the Pi.

The best chance of getting this fixed is to narrow down which jpeg(s) are causing the crash and forward a copy of the jpegs to popcornmix as he asked.