Kodi Switches to Odd Resolution

I am running OSMC/Kodi on a Vero V. I use it solely to stream 3-D video to my JVC projector in 1920x1080p 23.97hz Frame Packed (FP) format. I have Kodi configured to NOT return the UI to 2D mode after a video is finished. I really like the 3-D UI, plus it keeps the projector from having to switch modes/resolution between the UI and watching content.

This all works great until I switch the projector to another input (Bluray player for example.) The next time I switch back to the Vero V, Kodi changes resolution to 1680x1050p 60hz in 2D. If I then reboot the Vero, Koki will start up in 1920x1080p 23.97hz FP just like I would like. But I don’t want to have to reboot every time I switch to the Vero.

I have tried using the Whitelist to ONLY permit 1920x1080p 23.97hz FP . I have also tried using a disp_cap_3d file to force FP 3-D. Neither worked.

I have uploaded a log to https://paste.osmc.tv/esiqebecez. While the log was capturing, I rebooted the Vero and got 1920x1080p FP, and then switched inputs away and then back and got 1680x1050p. So both scenarios should be present in the log.

I hope someone can advise me how to force 1920x1080p FP all of the time. Thank you in advance.9


Setting ‘HPD Lock’ under Settings → Display (and rebooting) should solve this for you


That worked perfectly! Thank you so much Sam! 5

Glad to hear this.