Kodi version in latest build

I have a Vero5 that is running well (thanks Sam). I also have a Vero4K+, which also works fine. I am also running Kodi on Android (phone and tablet). But the version running on osmc is different than the one on Android. Specifically, the databases are numbered differently.

On osmc, the build for kodi is compiled on 2023-12-2, Build 20.2.0; on Android, it is compiled on 2024-04-09, build 21.0.1.

osmc MyVideo121; Android MyVideo131.

So things are out of sync between the two. Will osmc kodi be updated soon?



The common lament of the shared database. I know it well. I’d suggest to just install the test build to get your OSMC boxes on v21…

We are awaiting Kodi v21.1 for stability reasons.

Once that is released, you’ll get an update to Kodi v21 very quickly (a day to two max).

As @darwindesign has posted above, you can run Kodi v21 today.



Ok great!

My osmc is updated to the latest available. But how do I get the new version of kodi on it while waiting for the next osmc release?

FWIW: I’m a fedora guy, so I don’t know a lot of debian stuff. A little extra help appreciated.



Hi Ken,

You can click the link @darwindesign has posted. There are some instructions there.

Kodi v21.1 is scheduled for release on 17th August. As soon as it’s available and we verify it as stable, we will release it. Add a day or two at the most.

If you can wait until then, you won’t need to do anything, just select ‘Update’ when prompted.



Thanks Sam. Didn’t see all of the text (on my phone). Everything is working well finally. So I will wait a few days and just keep things simple, after all of the things I just went through.

Thanks again,


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Most welcome

Well… finally 21.1 is out now!

Just chiming in with another common lament of the shared database :), it’s been a bit of a pain for the last few months as all my other kodi instances are are in 21 already.

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As a member of Team Kodi I am grateful to be informed of release dates.

If database consistency was high priority, you could have ran a v21 build since May. Builds have been stable with few surprises.

There is one final thing I’d like to look in to, then I will cut a release and push it via the stable update channel.




I downloaded and installed the latest OSMC release. But the version of Kodi wasn’t upgraded. Will it be soon?

One other thing: when osmc exits kodi to run the update, it disables its ssh server. Is that supposed to happen? My tv also gets powered off, via CEC, which makes it difficult to know what is happening.

But everything is working for me now (thanks Sam).


The ssh server is completely independent of Kodi and the only time installing updates should end a session is when the updates require a reboot and you get kicked as part of the system shutdown process. If someone manually installs updates at the terminal there should be no automatic reboot but if the update requires Kodi to be shutdown it will also not restart Kodi (mediacenter service). One can normally run something like…

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && systemctl start mediacenter

Apologies, my explanation was completely wrong.