i have just spent about 6 hours trying to get the OSMC system to work on my Apple TV 1st gen.
I have now given up and gone back to the original Apple TV program. Work fine.
I am not a computer wise tech but i can manage most of the basics but OSMC lost me! this program is for computer buff’s only, not novices. be very wary if you decide to try this.
I think I am lucky, my whole setup has not suffered and is now working perfectly as it did before i decided to stuff it with unwanted “code” that gave it a bad stomach ache!! SORRY APPLE. Now rest with your proper program. I promise i will not feed you any more junk food (code? ).
I think that I have read that the support for Apple TV was pulled a few updates ago. Due to Apple TV being quite old and hard to work with by now. So that would explain why you couldn’t get it to work ( if you tried installing the latest update)
It’s not pulled yet but will be soon
i did try to load an older version of OSMC onto my apple. no difference!
What exactly is the issue you are experiencing?