Lightberry / adalightapa102 create device issue

Hi @Toast,
first of all: thank you for your howto - it made me optimistic that I could keep my neatly set-up Kodi installation after I had recently bought a Lightberry bundle. But currently I guess I am facing some configuration issues.

I’m on a Pi B with the current OSMC January release (I updated because Pi Config was not working in December release) and I followed the above steps.

  • /etc/modprobe.d/raspi-blacklist.conf - the files was not present so I created it and copied your values. however two other f iles (blacklist-rc6.conf and fbdev-blacklist.conf) were there but the values were not included in there
  • DTPARAM=SPI=ON has been set in the config
  • After running the commands to install Hyperion I get the following last log entries

2016-01-30 16:53:31 (1.10 MB/s) - written to stdout [7766671/7766671]
ln: failed to create symbolic link ‘/etc/hyperion.config.json’: File exists
Installing startup script in init.d
insserv: warning: script ‘K01hyperion’ missing LSB tags and overrides
insserv: warning: script ‘hyperion’ missing LSB tags and overrides

  • I installed the Hyperion Addon in Kodi but it finished with an error. When running the config manually (sudo /usr/bin/hyperiond ~/.kodi/addons/plugin.program.hyperion.configurator-master/ I get the following:

Application build time: Mar 6 2015 20:57:44
QCoreApplication initialised
Selected configuration file:
ColorTransform ‘leds’ => [0-109]
Device configuration:
“colorOrder” : “bgr”,
“name” : “MyPi”,
“output” : “/dev/ttyACM0”,
“rate” : 500000,
“type” : “adalightapa102”

Unable to create device adalightapa102
Black border threshold set to 0.1 (26)
Creating linear smoothing
Created linear-smoothing(interval_ms=50;settlingTime_ms=100;updateDelay=0
Effect loaded: Knight rider
Effect loaded: Blue mood blobs
Effect loaded: Cold mood blobs
Effect loaded: Full color mood blobs
Effect loaded: Green mood blobs
Effect loaded: Red mood blobs
Effect loaded: Warm mood blobs
Effect loaded: Rainbow mood
Effect loaded: Rainbow swirl fast
Effect loaded: Rainbow swirl
Effect loaded: Snake
Effect loaded: Strobe blue
Effect loaded: Strobe Raspbmc
Effect loaded: Strobe white
Initializing Python interpreter
Hyperion created and initialised
run effect Rainbow swirl fast on channel 0
Boot sequence(Rainbow swirl fast) created and started
XBMC video checker created and started
Display opened with resolution: 1920x1080
Frame grabber created and started
V4L2 width=720 height=576
V4L2 pixel format=YUYV
V4L2 grabber signal threshold set to: {51,51,51}
V4L2 grabber started
V4l2 grabber created and started
Json server created and started on port 19444
Proto server created and started on port 19445

Unable to create device adalightapa102 seems to be the problem but I definitely have that USB device (adalightapa102). Do you maybe have some input, where I went wrong?
BTW the lights are doing a quick test (red, green, blue) when I unplug and re-plug the power of the Raspberry, so generally they seem to be connected correctly?

This is a guide for GPIO not USB lightberry ive asked the mods to split the usb stuff from this thread since it has nothing to do with this guide but i guess they are “too busy” to bother

Ah sorry, right. I guess the easy way would be to just use a supported image.

ATTN @HarryL your thoughts ?

Seems like the addon and hyperion don’t have access to do anything in dev…

never really used the addon for kodi my self, try marking the config with the java applet from here:

and run hyperion as root… i do that with my lightpack.
