Limit download speed on Vero 4k+

Hi guys, is possible to limit internet connection on Vero 4k+? Unfortunately i am experiencing trouble with my internet provider. And when my wife using Vero another pc is lagging when i play games.
I found this:

Usage of wondershaper
Use the following command to control the Ethernet0 (Number-Zero) in Linux system-
$ sudo wondershaper eth0 1000 500
You can remove wondershaper limit using the following command –
$ sudo wondershaper clear eth0
Congratulations! Now, you know “How to limit Network Bandwidth on Linux”.

Can i try it?
Is it rly that simple?
Thx for help

It won’t be persistent (survive reboots); but I don’t see any harm in trying it. It may need some kernel CONFIG_ options that we haven’t included out of the box.


I tried it, it’s not working. Maybe as @sam_nazarko need some kernel configurations.

RTNETLINK answers: No such file or directory
RTNETLINK answers: Invalid argument
We have an error talking to the kernel

Maybe ‘tc’ is a better option.

Supposingly it uses tc

Looks like we’d need sch_netem.

Doesn’t Kodi support bandwidth limiting in System → Internet access>Internet connection bandwidth limitation?

Yeah seems that the basic tc commands are failing

sudo tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1: protocol ip prio 11 u32 match ip protocol 1 0xff flowid 1:10;
RTNETLINK answers: Invalid argument
We have an error talking to the kernel

I tried that, but seems like it doesnt work for plugin for streaming what we use.

The bandwidth limitation is something a router (or router firewall) is supposed to do in the first place.
Check your router for the option if you have it.

If i have this option i dont ask here mate…