LIRC GPIO support configuration

What is a convenient way to enable only LIRC GPIO OUT for IR transmitting, but GPIO IN keep disabled (or better to disable OSMC react to IR signals)?

Self created mobile app with virtual “TV remote control”.
For example: when i press “volume up” button on my mobile app, the volume on TV should increase (but not on OSMC).

What is done:
raspberry pi 3 + IR transceiver remote shield for raspberry + OSMC
In OSMC interface i go to “Pi Config”=>“Hardware support”=>“Enable LIRC GPIO support”, it have set input (18) and output (17) gpio pins.
Then i had using “irrecord” to read signals from my TV remote control and created new LIRC config file.
Then i enabled this new config through OSMC=>“Remotes”
Then i created web interface that can accept request from mobile app and execute “irsend” commands to transmit IR signals

For example: i want power off my TV with original remote control. I press “power” button and this IR signal is reveiced by both TV and raspberry, and both devices powering off. Similar problem when i press “power” button on my mobile app: web interface accept request, then transmit IR signal, that powering off raspberry instead of TV.

How about to just set input to any unused GPIO (eg 22) :wink:

and if nothing connected to pin 18 then is it possible that the remote press is making its way through to OSMC via HDMI-CEC? as a “Display Off” and then being reacted to?
If yes then you can disable that action in Kodi settings.

it’s possible, but I think that this is not a good idea:
if i connect some device in the future, that uses pin 22
if i will want to add additional remote control to the config, i must remember to revert lirc_gpio pin setting to default 18

it seems to me that would be better to somehow disable OSMC interface reaction to the IR signal, but keep IR transmitting functionality enabled

I’ve checked this. So no,
HDMI-CEC doesn’t send “Display Off/On” button action to OSMC