LIRC not working on Pi3 after October 2020 update

When using irrecord I had been using the command:
irrecord --device /dev/lirc0
This is why I was getting devinput.

I then tried
irrecord --device /dev/lirc0 --driver default

However, this then would not complete properly, reporting that it could not find the gap:

It is very important that you press many different buttons randomly
and hold them down for approximately one second. Each button should
generate at least one dot but never more than ten dots of output.
Don’t stop pressing buttons until two lines of dots (2x80) have
been generated.

Press RETURN now to start recording.

Got gap (107387 us)}

Please keep on pressing buttons like described above.
…Cannot find any gap, using an arbitrary 50 ms one. If you have a
regular remote for e. g., a TV or such this is probably a point
where you hit control-C. However, technical hardware like air
condition gear often works without any gap. If you think it’s
reasonable that your remote lacks gap you can proceed.
Press RETURN to continue.

This post on the pi forum - [LIRC: irrecord wont record, (Buster), mode2 works - Raspberry Pi Stack Exchange] seems to indicate that irrecord is not compatible with Buster. The solution suggested looks quite complex, and beyond my understanding.

The post is from over a year ago. Is it still relevant?