Live TV Freeze


im using TVHeadend on my HomeServer with a Cable TV Card from Digital Devices ( Cine C2/T2 ). On the Frontend i have installed 2 Raspberry Pi’s 2 with Video Licenses. In my bedroom the pi doesnt have any problems with playing live tv, the one in the living room hangs and crashes while watching live tv or playback a recording.

I hadnt tried much, cause i dont understand the problem why he is doing that so maybe someone could help find out whats going wrong. The problem also appears most on watching sky bundesliga hd or other channels using the smartcard. But as i said, the problem doenst appears on my 2nd pi …

Here is an logfile i had uploaded, maybe someone nows where to look …

Disable overclock and test again.
Not all Pi’s can handle “turbo” overclock.

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