Local NTP - No internet

Hi, Since my video system doesnt have an active internet connection and the RP doesn’t have an internal Clock in order to keep time, I woudl like to have all my RPs in my network with the correct time. I have search online and haven’t been able to find a way of making OSMC look for a local NTP in my network. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

OSMC already comes configured for NTP and as long as the RPis have a route to the Internet, they’ll pick up the correct time after they’ve started and periodically adjust for any drift. If you’re saying that you don’t have Internet access at all, then you’d need to set up your own local NTP server and edit file /etc/ntp.conf accordingly.

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Thanks for the info dillthedog!!! That is correct the system is off the internet. Ill look into the ntp.conf file

You can probably use one of the RPis as an NTP server, using a GPS module. Here’s an article I came across a while back.

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OSMC will also grab early time over HTTP in the event that NTP is blocked (by some ISPs). The time won’t be as accurate, but it’s better than nothing.

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I’d noticed the http get-time in the log and wondered why it’s there. There was a DDOS trick a while back using NTP amplification but it seems a bit extreme for ISPs to block it entirely. Is there another (reasonable) reason why they might do so?

Oh, and the OP is off the internet so no Google time possible in this case.

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Not sure why some ISPs block it

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