Log File - How do I find info?


I have a couple of R-Pis running Kodi, one running OSMC 2015-09-02 Linux 4.2.1-1-osmc has started to show errors when I try to run some streaming services.

Youtube or Russia Today News gives me ‘Playback failed’, One or more items failed to play. Check the log for more information about this message.

I can log in to youtube, I can go into ‘watch later’ but get an error if I try to play anything.

The logfile, whilst probably informative to a programmer, is not enlightening to me and is shown at;

Mediia Centre plays my Upnp server fine, live TV streams fine.

My older version running Linux 3.12.31 is working fine.


Did you get the codecs?

I was using a wrong DNS server causing a ‘time out’.

It is working fine now.
