Looking to order a Vero 5 for Christmas

Here we are rapidly approaching Christmas, a day ahead of 'ol Blighty, very hot too

I have decided to upgrade my long in the tooth Vero 4k+ to the new Vero 5 and am cheekily asking for Santa Sam to knock a few quid off :santa: Exchange rate blues!

Sunday here and lazily watching the cricket :grinning:

Cheers from NZ


Likewise re GBP to USD and we buy our components in USD.

If you email sales@osmc.tv with your original order number you can get an upgrade offer.

Haha, fair enough. Order placed, including the nifty poe adapter :smiley:


looks like it’s going to be a Happy New Year for me, Vero 5 has arrived safe and sound today the 30.12 (NZ time) :grinning: Cheers

I’m not a web developer.

For now, those that wish to upgrade can visit here.

It’s basic, but it works :slight_smile:

We will improve the form later.


Hi Sam,

I bought mine from you off ebay so no order id. Would I be eligible still?

If you purchased it off eBay there should be an internal order number assigned to it. You can contact sales@osmc.tv for more information.

Populated the form on my phone, a pop-up box gave me a discount code but I can’t copy it. Tried to take a screenshot but the form moved to an order form without the code. I can’t resubmit the form as it’s been provided already.

What is the actual discount?


The discount code is generated once on provision of the valid email and order #.

This simply generates a discount code in the form of upgd-verov-ordernumber. Submitting the form simply activates this. So in your case it will be based on your order number. It is also tied to your email and original delivery address. I had to introduce these restrictions after seeing some people selling these codes on eBay barely a day after I introduced this.

It is calculated on the total order history, the minimum is £10 (at time of writing). If you bought several devices and want to buy more, contact sales@osmc.tv so we can offer the best price and save on shipping


Thanks Sam, much appreciated. I’ll double-check my emails (I keep all receipts) because I might have used two.

Happy New Year!

Ordered using my PayPal email address. Cheers!