May update : Sad face

I was recommended on Twitter to start a forum post about my issue.

I have a Pi2 with OSMC on it, (Been running it for 5 months) and after the may update, it shut down and wouldn’t load back up. I wiped the Micro SD card and did a fresh install, every thing is loaded back on but when ever I try to save any settings from the OSMC menu it goes to the sad face screen, turns black for a second then every setting I changed in kodi is back to the defaults.

I tried OSMC on a seperate micro sd card it loaded fine, Then I tried OpenElec on the original card, that runs fine. I wiped the card again and put OSMC back on it and same thing…Any ideas???

Only thing I havent tried is installing OSMC to run off a USB…I will try this tonight when I get home and see if this issue still persists.

What make/type is the SD card you are trying to install on?

Sandisc 16GB HC class 10

That should be working. So not really sure what’s going wrong. Maybe provide debug logs and we might see something

I know it doesn’t make sense… I will grab those logs and post them when I get home from work.

So i’ve been trying to recreate this for over an hour and its now working perfectly? I don’t get it… i was able to do this numerous times yesterday…ive got logging enabled so if it does happen again i will upload it to this post

I’ve been screwing around with a dual boot via noobs on my rpi3 install and first boot expanding partitions… My second ‘clean’ install had similar behaviour. Using gparted I fully wiped the card and did a third noobs dual boot system (exact same drop in as second clean install). This worked fine.

Have you only installed via official osmc installers ?

Yes all installs are with the OSMC installer. I haven’t had an issue since. I’ve just got back from Vacation and the kids said its been working perfectly.
I dont know what to say…something happened between the January and end of April, but after a 3rd time with a fresh format and install I’ve had no issues. It’s working great now but I’d really like to know what caused it. If it happens again I will have log files.