Media Center Hanging/Freezing Regularly

The Issue

During the past week or two, when I or a member of the family has come to use the Vero, after switching to the appropriate HDMI input we find the familiar OSMC interface unresponsive, with the clock showing a time in the past, as though it has frozen at a point in time. This time varies from one instance to another, so it’s not consistent to a particular time of day.

Troubleshooting & Workaround

The Vero box itself appears to still be “up” as Yatse is able to connect and I can still issue commands via SSH. Issuing a Reboot power action via Yatse does nothing, however sending a sudo reboot now via SSH would successfully reboot the OS and bring everything back to life. Following the most recent instance this morning, I found that simply issuing a sudo systemctl restart mediacenter via SSH avoided the need for a full reboot and brought the interface back to a responsive state.

Version & Device Information

osmc@vero-4k:~$ grep Kodi .kodi/temp/kodi.log | head -3
2022-03-21 08:12:12.488 T:7867     INFO <general>: Starting Kodi (19.1). Platform: Linux ARM 32-bit
2022-03-21 08:12:12.488 T:7867     INFO <general>: Using Release Kodi x32 build (version for Vero)
2022-03-21 08:12:12.488 T:7867     INFO <general>: Kodi compiled 2021-08-03 by GCC 8.3.0 for Linux ARM 32-bit version 4.19.152 (267160)
osmc@vero-4k:~$ grep VERSION_ID /etc/os-release

Timescale / Peripherals

I’m not certain when this first occurred, as I thought it was a one-off and didn’t make a note a of it, but it was certainly within the past month. It most recently occurred this morning at 8:09 with the above command issued at 8:11.

Only the receiver for the OSMC remote is attached, and no new peripherals have been added since it was purchased.


osmc@vero-4k:~$ grab-logs -A
Logs successfully uploaded.
Logs available at

I hope this is sufficient information to help troubleshoot this issue. If anything further is needed, I’m happy to provide it.

This is an old version, first recommendation is to update to the latest OSMC Version.
Check via MyOSMC - Manual Update if no update is provided please let us know.
Or via SSH sudo apt update sudo apt dist-upgrade

That’s odd, I thought I’d set it to update itself automatically via crontab, but I must have rebuilt it since then.

Out of interest though, the Wiki suggests using apt-get as opposed to apt - is there a difference?

No difference between the two commands.

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osmc@vero-4k:~$ grep Kodi .kodi/temp/kodi.log | head -3
2022-03-21 10:50:01.691 T:11874    INFO <general>: Starting Kodi (19.4). Platform: Linux ARM 32-bit
2022-03-21 10:50:01.691 T:11874    INFO <general>: Using Release Kodi x32 build (version for Vero)
2022-03-21 10:50:01.691 T:11874    INFO <general>: Kodi compiled 2022-03-08 by GCC 8.3.0 for Linux ARM 32-bit version 4.19.152 (267160)
osmc@vero-4k:~$ grep VERSION_ID /etc/os-release

Ok we’re up to date now, I guess I’ll see how it goes. Thanks for pointing out something I should have spotted!

No hangs in the past week, so I’m marking @fzinken’s initial reply as the solution - keep your OSMC up to date, people!

Unfortunately it has happened again. Oddly, it seemed to freeze at the moment I switched HDMI inputs, as the time was initially correct when it became unresponsive (17:40) and stayed that way until I restarted the media center service.

Here are the logs taken after the freeze (via SSH) before restarting the service:

Apr 12 17:40:21 vero-4k kernel: hdmitx: system: irq 80000004 0
Apr 12 17:40:21 vero-4k kernel: hdmitx: hw: HDMI hpd locked
Apr 12 17:40:22 vero-4k kernel: hdmitx: system: irq 80000002 0
Apr 12 17:40:22 vero-4k kernel: hdmitx: hw: HDMI hpd locked
Apr 12 17:40:30 vero-4k kernel: hdmitx: system: store_phy 1
Apr 12 17:40:30 vero-4k kernel: hdmitx: system: PHY Setting Done
Apr 12 17:40:30 vero-4k kernel: hdmitx: hpd: hdmitx: unlock hpd
Apr 12 17:45:42 vero-4k kernel: hrtimer: interrupt took 345632 ns
2022-04-12 17:40:30.772 T:2736     INFO <general>: Toggle standby state is waking
2022-04-12 17:40:30.772 T:2736     INFO <general>: CApplication::ToggleStandby -- Toggle TMDS clock to 1
2022-04-12 17:40:30.822 T:2736     INFO <general>: CApplication::ToggleStandby -- Toggle LED brightness to 1
2022-04-12 17:40:30.822 T:2736     INFO <general>: CApplication::ToggleStandby -- governor will now be ondemand
2022-04-12 17:40:30.822 T:2736     INFO <general>: CApplication::ToggleStandby -- HPD locking will now be hpd_lock0
2022-04-12 17:40:30.823 T:2736     INFO <general>: CApplication::ToggleStandby -- checking for existence of /home/osmc/.kodi/userdata/
2022-04-12 17:40:30.824 T:2618     INFO <general>: ToggleDeviceState - activating CEC device
2022-04-12 17:40:36.028 T:2618    ERROR <general>: CPythonInvoker(181, /home/osmc/.kodi/addons/screensaver.picture.slideshow/ script didn't stop in 5 seconds - let's kill it

I’m beginning to suspect the slideshow screensaver. I’m going to disable it and see if that helps.

Is your slideshow screensaver sourcing files from over the network?
A drop in connectivity could be the culprit.

Hey Sam. Yes it is, the same Synology NAS that houses the source media files for both Movies & TV. I think you’re probably right, I didn’t make the connection between switching to a slideshow and this issue starting, but it may have been around the same time.