Media Genre Alternative/Fanart

Sorry if this questions been asked before. I did found a few posts about customising the OSMC and the skin wiki. However, I couldn’t really find anything to specific relating to my question. (I might be using the wrong keywords)

At the moment all media genres are presented as a written list view. I couldn’t find any setting or option for this and the downloaded add-ons for genre icons or fanart seem to be working.

Does anyone know if there a way for the genre list view to be changed to a wall fanart/icon view?

Running a Vero4k Kodi18.9

Many thanks in advance for any ideas. :slight_smile:

With our minimalistic approach the OSMC Skin does not support custom icons or special fanart like e.g. clearart. The only fanart we’re showing are posters or preview thumbnails which are presented in various views. For genres there’s just the standard vertical list like for any other file list or library nodes.

Sry to disappoint :thinking:

Hi Chillbo,
Thanks for the fast reply!

Ah that’s a shame, my dad’s just going to have to get used to that then haha

Thanks anyways!