Miniconda install


I am trying to install miniconda on raspberry pi 4 (8 GB).
I thought that it will be enough to download and execute the scrpit
But, when I execute the script I get:

Do you accept the license terms? [yes|no]
[no] >>> yes

Miniconda3 will now be installed into this location:

  - Press ENTER to confirm the location
  - Press CTRL-C to abort the installation
  - Or specify a different location below

[/root/miniconda3] >>> /home/osmc/miniconda3
Unpacking payload ... line 411: /home/osmc/miniconda3/conda.exe: No such file or directory line 413: /home/osmc/miniconda3/conda.exe: No such file or directory

Looks like unpacking is not working.

    406 printf "Unpacking payload ...\n"
    407 {
    408     dd if="$THIS_PATH" bs=1 skip=11377106               count=9774                      2>/dev/null
    409     dd if="$THIS_PATH" bs=16384        skip=695                    count=4121                  2>/dev/null
    410     dd if="$THIS_PATH" bs=1 skip=78905344                   count=289                     2>/dev/null
    411 } | "$CONDA_EXEC" constructor --extract-tar --prefix "$PREFIX"

Am I doing something wrong?


What user are running the script as root or osmc?

I may be wrong, but this suggest the script is being run as root? is this correct?

Thanks Tom.

I tried to run the script as user and as root but with no success.
In my original post, it is runned as a root (at step [/root/miniconda3] >>> /home/osmc/miniconda3 I changed suggested root path to local one).


Whats the output when ran as the OSMC user?

Thanks Tom.

The same.


Maybe better to ask the developer of this project support.

But one thing I did notice, your are trying to run the 64bit script. I believe you need to 32bit version on osmc. I think its this one:

Thanks Tom.

I thought that osmc is 64bit OS.

osmc@rpi4:~$ bash
    Your processor does not appear to be an armv7l.  This software
    was sepicically build for the Raspberry Pi 2 running raspbian wheezy
    (or above).
    Are sure you want to continue the installation? [yes|no]
[no] >>>
if [[ `uname -m` != 'armv7l' ]]; then
    echo -n "WARNING:
    Your processor does not appear to be an armv7l.  This software
    was sepicically build for the Raspberry Pi 2 running raspbian wheezy
    (or above).
    Are sure you want to continue the installation? [yes|no]
[no] >>> "
    read ans
    if [[ ($ans != "yes") && ($ans != "Yes") && ($ans != "YES") &&
                ($ans != "y") && ($ans != "Y") ]]
        echo "Aborting installation"
        exit 2
osmc@rpi4:~$ uname -m

Looks like on raspbian it works: MiniConda On Raspberry Pi for Machine Learning | Rasberry pi for ML


Its a 64 bit kernel, but has a 32 bit userland.

Thanks Tom.

So what are my options for miniconda install then?


Installing Miniconda, is beyond the scope of support OSMC. You should consider asking on their support google group:

That said Docker may the easiet route to get in working:

Thanks Tom.

armv7 binaries will run fine, just remove the check or use setarch

That’s a very specific check and will likely trip up a lot of distributions.

Well, miniconda is a package manager. There shouldn’t be any hacking, so I wouldn’t use setarch there.
I believe that docker is maybe the best solution (although a bit an overkill).
Thanks for helping me guys.
Best regards.

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