Minor question re Vero 4k+ vs Vero V

Hi, I have been using my two vero 4k devices every day for years but my data has grown substantially in that period. I have found two problems with my current vero 4k devices.

When I add video files to a nfs share on a remote drive the new file is not added automatically. I have found that to get visibility of the new file I have to re-boot the vero. I am looking for the files via wifi. Is there a better way to get these files to be available?

The question is related also to the time needed for the re-boot because the device has access to several TB data and it takes a while to “load” the data. I understand that with the significant volumes of data involved these matters all take some time. My question is would I notice a significant improvement in performance from the Vero V?

Meanwhile still enthusiastic supporter for your company as the device to get.


You could go to Power → Exit. When Kodi restarts it will re-scan if you have Scan library on Startup enabled.

You could use the Library Watchdog to schedule scans periodically.

You could also manually initiate a scan on the source via the context menu.

The Vero V is a faster system and support is ending on 31/01/25 for Vero 4K / 4K +. Customers can get an upgrade offer at Order Upgrade Form.

If this is a MySQL setup and you just need it to take a new look at the database then with a OSMC remote dongle plugged in you can hold down OK/select/enter button on your remote when on the home screen. If you don’t have an OSMC dongle plugged in you can keymap a ReloadSkin() to whatever button/screen you want. If you kick off a library update it will also do the same at the end of the scan.

If your talking about having independent databases and you have the library update scan set to at boot you can either manually tell it to scan from the slideout menu in one of the video libraries. Even better is that you can remotely update the libraries from the computer you used to transfer the files. This can be done through the web interface, mobile app, or for very advanced users, JSON-RPC.

Hi Sam,
Many thanks. Spoilt for choice but at least I now understand and can deal with it.
I also note that the 4K is going eol. I tried the Order Upgrade Form and it asks for an Order ID. What should I enter for this I wonder?
Found it and ordered.
One last question re PoE adaptor. What is max load this will put on my network switch? Not sure port PoE can manage.

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The load will depend on what you have plugged into the Vero but it shouldn’t be an issue even with a switch with limited capacity. My switch reports that I have been pulling an average of 7 watts from my Vero V. If you pulled the max 500ma and 900ma from the two USB ports that should be under 15 watts I believe.

Indeed. The actual adapter itself is rated for 15W to provide a bit of headroom. I would think your switch should be able to handle it fine.

If I add new files to a series folder all I have to do is go up one folder then back into the series folder, the new files are then displayed