Mirroring OSMC

OSMC is a large project and releases regular updates. As a result, this uses a significant amount of bandwidth. A number of organisations host mirrors of OSMC which allows us to handle this capacity as well as provide a regional mirror for faster updates and downloads for our users.

We welcome and appreciate all institutions that are able to provide bandwidth for the project. To mirror our project, a few requirements must be met:

  • The network link must be 1Gbps or higher
  • The server must support synchronising the repository with rsync
  • The server must be able to serve these files over HTTP/HTTPS
  • The server must also provide an rsync endpoint so that our mirroring system can check for coverage and integrity.
  • The ability to synchronise the mirror (cron) at least once every four hours.

To mirror the OSMC project, please use the following rsync command. These parameters are specifically chosen to handle the fact that we serve an APT repository for this endpoint

rsync -auP --delete --delay-updates rsync://rsync.samnazarko.co.uk/cdn /var/www/html

After you have obtained the repository, please send an email to mirrors@osmc.tv with the following information:

  • The name of the mirror
  • The contact name and email in case of an issue
  • The bandwidth of the mirror
  • Would you like us to only send requests for users in you country?
  • HTTP, HTTPS and rsync endpoints

We can then add you in to the mirror system and you should start seeing traffic promptly.