Raspberry Pi 3+ SD card has 17 gigs of room left using 32g Micro Sandisk. KODI 19.4 playing from WD Mycloud NFS. MKV videos play audio only and when changing settings in Playback from Direct to Plane to EGL is crashes every time .
Screen resolution is set to 720p on Samsung TV which used to handle it. KODI 19 seems to have issues with MKV files
Have you tried local playback either on usb or from the sd card?
If it plays fine, I would consider changing to kernel mounts using fstab or autofs. kernal mounts have better throughput than kodi lib mounts.
You could also consider adding a video cache:
Example 3 would be a good start.
Thanks Tom.
It must be something with the SD card ! I have 3 other TV’s with Pi-s and they all played the video with no problem !
Well one thing I learned OSMC really likes to brick your SanDisk cards ! I have 4 cards every time I try to re-install OSMC using the Installer with the latest img for Pi-3. It shows it successfully installed but when I boot the card it shows the OLD OSMC not the new install screen
I have used Windows Disk Management , SDCardFormatterv5_WinEN , h2testw , MiniTool Partition Wizard 12 etc etc No joy
Were they new cards?
Could check the osmc installer log, it should be the User folder. To see why the installer failed.
I suggest trying SDCardFormatterV4. Tried 5 few years back, couldn’t get it to work.
Regards Tom.
This means your card has gone in to read only mode. This happens when cards fail.
Hope this helps
Seeing errors that would indicate the cards have read only, were they new? (Meant to ask in my last, but ended up with a typo).
Thanks Tom.
They already have OSMC on them so I figured to reinstall it. I used a different card reader and was able to fix one card… But the other NO GO. The Sandisk card holder has no lock card function just elongated slot where it would be.
How old are the cards? 2 years+ is consider a good age.
Thanks Tom.
I wouldn’t count on it being fixed and wouldn’t trust it for any data that you value.