On my model B I am getting this error after install on boot:
of_platform_populate failed: -22
immediately on boot, the system goes to the OSMC load screen at 0% before recycling through the same.
I have tried a different SD card, redownloading the Alpha 4 image & reextracting as well as more than one install to both SD’s i tried.
4 March 2015 20:42
Could you grab /boot/install.log and post it to http://paste.osmc.io and provide the link.
apologies, but is this from the SD card or the machine the card written from?
If its the machine, what would the windows path be?
4 March 2015 20:47
/boot/install.log is on the card.
Sorry, either my install is totally boned or I’m missing something, I got on my SD card and went into the filesystem.tar and to boot but there is no /boot/install.log file.
Also I tried to mount /sdd2 on my Ubuntu server and it didnt like that.
4 March 2015 21:23
Is there a install.log on the root of the card?
No there is not;
bootcode cmdline config filesystem.tar fixup.dat preseed.cfg start.elf zImage
in /boot
there is
dtb * (folder) overlays (folder) bcm2708-rpi-b.dtb bcm2708-rpi-b-plus.dtb bootcode.bin config-3.18.5-2-osmc fixup_x.dat kernel.img LICENCE.broadcom start_x.elf System.map-3.18.5-2-osmc vmlinuz-3.18.5-2-osmc
building a xubuntu usb now will try install from linux.
4 March 2015 21:56
The windows osmc installer should work fine.
You are deffo selecting:-
Raspberry Pi
Alpha 4
SD Card
Correct those are the options i used
4 March 2015 23:00
Do you have another power supply that you could use?
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heeeyyy actually seeing some movement. power supply is from my smart phone rated for 850 mA - it must have been the cable /facepalm
Thanks much for your help!
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