"Mounting point" duplicated for external HD

This exact issue just showed up on my buddy’s Raspberry PI 3B+. I’m suspecting an SD card issue. He’s going to bring it over this weekend for me to look at. I’ll let you know what I find.

I’ve installed the system a few weeks ago, and i got this problem again. i have a Vero 4+, a new HD (called toshiba) and the problem still occurring, i had a few failures on the side of electric power, and i’ve got the following:

Will be the solution for this problem install osmc from scratch every time it occurs

The solution should never have been to install from scratch. What your seeing is a folder getting abandoned due to an improper unmount. If you do a safely remove of the drive and then manually delete the old folder from /media then when you plug the drive back in it will mount to the old location. If you cannot prevent this from happening, or dealing with it at whatever frequency that its happening is too much of a bother, then you could manually mount the drive to that location with autofs and then manually share that with samba and then it will no longer be an issue.

I’ve tried on the past but i will try again, and post here the result

If keeping it in /media somehow conflicts with the automounting system (this isn’t something I’ve tested) you could change the mount point location to /mnt and then path substitute your existing library to the new location. The changing mount point name is coming from the auto-mount and so manually creating it will get rid of the problem. Autofs should be much more robust to any problems with the attached drive disappearing.