Hi, I have the problem , that after the Dezember update ( I had one sad face, right after the update, but never since) all my movies stop after 4 or 5 seconds , like I would stop the movie .This happens also with movies I watched without problems before the update. I put the log files here: https://paste.osmc.tv/eduxenaven
what could I do ?
I think the movie Debug starts at :
20:29:42.310 T:4074992208 DEBUG: OnPlayMedia smb://…
Tried to play an episode of Grimm, stopped after a few seconds.
I have an Unraid server,and apparently can raise the SMB protocol. But if I do that, my non-OSMC Kodi clients won’t connect as they’re stuck on SMB1 until v18.
So is there a way to let OSMC connect as SMB1 for now? I remember changing a file when I first received the Vero to let it connect as SMB1, but can’t remember what I did.