Multiple subtitles preferred language

Hi all,

As native french speaking I defined my subtitle preferred language to french in the configuration.
When playing a media French subs are automatically used.
Sometimes my medias only have English subtitles and in that case no subtitle is shown by default.

Is there a way to define a second language to use if the primary is not found? Like a second preferred language.

Thanks all!
Best regards,

I don’t think so, but you can add mappings to a remote to make it quicker to access sub selections either by mapping a button to cycle through available subs (might not be optimal on a file with a very large number of subs) or by bringing up the subtitles settings menu (the OSMC remote brings up this window during full screen playback when you hold down the ‘stop’ button).

Hi darwindesign,
Thanks for the tip, I’ll give it a try!
Best regards,

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