Today I upgraded the video board in my surround processor to HDMI 2.0b so I connect the VERO box to the surround processor directly and not to my LG tv. This should allow to use DTS-MA, Dobly HD plus etc and multi channel audio via HDMI.
Now when playing video it works well (DTS-MS, Dolby HD plus and even MKV files with multi-channel wav) but if I want to play multi-channel FLAC files via the Music option the Surround processor shows as audio source PCM 2.0 and VERO wont start playing the file. DTS encoded WAV files work well.
On my previous Intel NUC with LibreElec this worked without a problem.
Can somebody tell how I can enable VERO that it plays multi-channel flac files via the Music option?
Assuming you have Settings->Audio->Channels set to 5.1 or 7.1 ??
It is set to 5.1 like my speaker configuration.
Please can you upload a log so we can check your audio settings?
Can you also upload a flac that you can’t play, somewhere?
Thanks a lot for the very quick response. Today I don’t have anytime to create a log and upload a FLAC file. I’ll let you know as soon I’ve done this.
I’ve upload the smallest multi-channel flac file I’ve got to the provided link. I’ve got the same problem with all multi-channel flac files I’ve tested. This flac-file is from an album I bought at a download shop.
Here is the link to the pastebin info created by MediaInfo:
Here is the link to the uploaded VERO log files: zaqopasazi
If you need more information then let me know.
The file plays fine here and I can’t see any problems reported in the logs. When you say ‘vero won’t start’ does it just freeze or do you get the timer top right and just no sound?
And do ordinary stereo tracks play OK?
How about DTS/DD tracks if you turn passthrough off?
no, believing the logs your speaker config was 7.1 when taking the logs.
Anyway, my Vero4k + AVR Sony STR-DN840 plays the flac as PCM [3/2/0.1, 96kHz] with either 5.1 and 7.1 audio settings of the mediacenter.
Since the logs does not indicate any error or strange behaviour, please, answer Graham’s questions.
I did some testing and it appears that when I change to an audio file with a different sample rate or bit resolution or number channels, the XMC-1 surround processor can’t cope with (at least the change is not recognized). Also there is either no sound or garbled audio.
Normally I don’t use my OPPO BDP-103 for playing audio files from the network but I did it in this case to see if I encounter the same problem. And it turns out that in playing audio files with my OPPO I’ve got the same problems. Playing a movie with different audio type encoded in it just works fine…
So my conclusion at this moment is that probably the problem isn’t the VERO but the new (v3) HDMI board in my Emotiva XMC-1… What a bummer.
Thanks for helping me so quickly. It is really appreciated. Now I hope Emotiva has this same kind of support level…
For now this problem request can be closed.
Thx for the update, let us know how this ends … just curious. 
Finally I can report an update. Due the all kind of bugs of the new HDMI board for the Emotiva XMC-1 and the release of their new flagship surround processor (RMC-1) they didn’t had time yet to look into my reported problem.
Just before the weekend I received the following message:
After digging into this issue it appears as though the new HDMI board may not be correctly identifying the incoming stream when it comes to a FLAC file. So I wanted to send you an update and let you now that we are reviewing all detection and notifications from the HDMI board to see if that is the root cause.
Now I’m waiting for a new test firmware to check if they have resolved the audio problem.
Keep you posted over here.