Hello everyone,
I use a Subsonic (gonic: GitHub - sentriz/gonic: music streaming server / free-software subsonic server API implementation) music streaming server.
Is it possible to connect this server to the “Music” feature of OSMC/Kodi? So that I can go through my music library via my Vero V and also play music?
Does anyone have any experience with this?
Many thanks!
Best regards
Hi, I’ve not any experience with Subsonic but at least in the past there was a Kodi plugin for Subsonic, see GitHub - warwickh/plugin.audio.subsonic: Kodi plugin to stream music from Subsonic..
At least until Kodi 19 (Matrix) there were activities for this plugin. Don’t know whether Kodi 20 (Nexus) and Kodi 21 (Omega, coming soon) are supported at all but you should also follow this path and try to contact the project owner.