Any logs of the errors you could share? Maybe I could try to help troubleshoot. I’d love to see this finally land on the Vero.
First issue was:
c++: error: unrecognized command line option ‘-msse2’
glm/CMakeFiles/glm_static.dir/build.make:62: recipe for target ‘glm/CMakeFiles/glm_static.dir/detail/glm.cpp.o’ failed
make[5]: *** [glm/CMakeFiles/glm_static.dir/detail/glm.cpp.o] Error 1
I fixed this by patching the source flags here:
After that another issue with OpenGL files missing:
configure: error: GL/gl.h or OpenGL/gl.h is needed
I tried adding libgles2-mesa-dev libaries but then Kodi didn’t even build. Came up with GLES3 errors.
OK, and you’re definitely using visualization.projectm from master or v2.2.0?
Did you try to build any of these? I believe they’re quite a bit less complex than ProjectM…
Not having any luck with Vortex either. Failing with windows.h error.
I don’t think we are going to have luck with any of these.
Just checking to make sure you tried shadertoy, spectrum and waveform as well. If none of them will build, that’s too bad. Any chance of filing bugs to the upstream?
Have you tried the visualisations from the popcornmix repo?
How did you build it? On your Vero4k? If so, what are the steps to get a build process set up, if you don’t mind?
I never build them, popcornmix did, but what I read from Sam these don’t work on Kodi v18
I tried it with kodi 18.2 and spectrum M but stereo great but atmos, dts:x or dd doesn’t work, probably problems with coding or more channels. Or is there a solution?
Here ya go