I have the sad face blue screen recycling. Tried powering off and same result.
I see others have had same problem but please note I have no done anything special to repos. I have been using the updates when notified and from standard repos whatever they are.
I am able to ssh into the device and can probably get a copy of the log but which I do not know. What is directory/log I need?
You have at some point enabled a testing repository which is experimental.
Leave that line in for now, and I will release a fix to this repository later. Then I suggest you remove it from /etc/apt/sources.list
I have the same issue as @Budgie. I have not access to device right now but I’m wondering: for me, veo 4k reboots to sad face continuously. How do I write those commands?
Hi Sam ,
Think normal service restored, for which many thanks.
You suggested I removed the buster-devel line. I do not have this now, what I have is:-
osmc@osmc:/etc/apt$ cat sources.list
deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian bullseye main contrib non-free
deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian/ bullseye-updates main contrib non-free
deb http://security.debian.org/ bullseye-security main contrib non-free
deb http://apt.osmc.tv bullseye-devel main
That clearly shows the bullseye-devel line at the bottom, if you don’t want any pre-release version and you want a stable system, take that one out too.
Hey I have been having an issue with Vero 4 as well. Anytime I press a key on the remote the screen goes blank for a few seconds (but it does execute the command). Eventually it will just crash and reboot.
Logs: https://paste.osmc.tv/anihovidog
It’s incredibly odd Sam. It has been playing up for WEEKS but today it’s all behaving normally again. I see some addons were updated. Maybe that fixed it!