My Vero arrived today

My vero arrived today. So far the initial setup worked right out of the box.
I use the device with spdif output connected to my AV receiver and HDMI output to a 720p projector and a Wired LAN connection.

So far I was able to stream music from my iphone using the Airplay feature.
Honestly I need to get used to the new menu layout. With the 720p resolution the menu looks huge and in the initial setup there were scrambled text on one screen but that’s all I have to complain so far.

Next steps are to get the Vero to find the database on my NAS.

I plan to do a small review after everything runs like on my raspbmc with kodi 14.0

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Good God. I have a lengthy wait at the back of the queue. I even dreamt last night that I got it. Why is there so much excitement over something so little.

You can change the skin, we know its not for everyone but we’re working hard on making it the best we can!

Let me know your thoughts


Looking at this and will fix this ASAP
