My Vero4K Specific guide to install Netflix add-on on Vero4K

I actually use PlexKodiConnect to sync a very large library to Kodi. Works perfectly. I had the Netflix add-on installed at the time. Middle of the night OSMC tries a system update, runs out of space and created a boot loop. I actually had to hold the pin down and reinstall everything.

How can I be more careful with this add-on? PKC gives me the option to cache all the images for
a “faster experience”. I know it’s all artwork, I have nothing stored locally except for the size of the add-ons themselves.

I’m about to do a reinstall and see if I can find the lost space. 7.6G free, should work this time. I’ll turn off automatic updates, eh?

edit: with everything on 720p, no issues thus far. Even with capturing video.

OSMC will never attempt to install a system update without user interaction. The update program is not written in a way that this could be possible. There must be another cause.

PKC does not take up any significant space over what a normal Kodi library does. The artwork cache is actually the same either way. The setting in PKC only has to do with ‘when’ it caches, not ‘if’. If you have some kind of very unique setup that really is larger than can fit in the eMMC the cache can be moved, but it would be slower.

That’s given me the confidence to at least try - over the Xmas break. I too only want the amazon access.

The Vero 4k+, have enough power to decode 1080p Netflix Livewine? Or this resolution needs more power?

Thanks in advance.

Generally no, 720p it’s where it’s at but it depends on the Bitrate of the content you are watching.

For example I had grainy footage that needed so high Bitrate that it stuttered even at 720p but if you watch some content that requires very low Bitrate to look good as for example Simpsons, South Park and animation in general you might get away with 1080p.

Just curious. I installed the addin a few months back and it has worked beautifully, but last night there was a videwine update and now we experience lagging. I know that it might not be related though. Interestingly enough, when it starts lagging you can exit and start again and then when asked whether you want to resume from 1:12:30, you answer no and then fast-forward by typing 1:12:30. You can then watch the rest of the episode. Anyone seen this?

I think the InputStream add-on lets you rollback Widevine versions; so this might help you here.

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Thanks. Oddly enough this seems to have fixed itself without me doing anything? Day after it worked OK and has been working fine after that. Strange really.

Perhaps Widevine was updated again…

Possibly, but I doubt it. The update is nothing that happens without anyone noticing with that download and extracting stuff :slight_smile:

I rather think they rolled back the old version of Widevine. It had asked me to update it, I refused. result was I couldn’t play it. A week later my daughter tried and I expected it to fail, but not question, no nothing. Just worked as usual.

Odd, but yesterday gave us another opportunity to test. After approx 30 minutes S3E1 of “Hinterland” started lagging. Tested on my PC and it was the same there. Other streaming services were unaffected and we could watch episodes in S2 just fine, so I assumed the problem was with Netflix so I reported it there.