I have mysql configured for the 2 pi’s I want to use. I am trying to get artwork, and sources working correctly.
I have on my main pi:
advanced settings options for mysql pointing to and my sources are just the local usb drive connected.
on the secondary pi I have the advanced options pointing to the main pi’s ip: we’ll say it is
How do I set up the sources on the 2nd pi to get everything working? (movies, music, and artwork)
Should I have set the main pi’s sources as it’s ip path to the usb drive folders and not just set content from the attached usb drive?
would it be better to set up both libraries to hit the ip path for the media files and redirect the main pi through substitution to the local drive, or would it be better to set up the main pi’s sources, and just redirect that path on the 2nd pi to hit the ip?