Moonlight-embedded has come far enough to start testing in wider environments. Depending on streaming servers capability we have seen odd results. Before majority of the focus is set on the client side, it would be good to have a list of issues to work out.
- 60hz 4k, with Nvidia-gpu server, just needs 1 patch and works almost flawlessly.
- 60hz 720p, with Intel gen4 iGPU server, needs multiple patches and “works”.
Need to test multiple server encoders hardware/software. Intel/AMD/Nvidia and h264/h265…
If we get to a point where we can identify most problem, we should be able to code solutions for the AML bits. How it works for OSMC on Pi i can’t speak of yet, due to lack of hardware. But I’m not a stranger to folks reporting issues here as well, but no promises made.
Plan is to make a OSMC-launch script and utilize Luna launcher for the gui. But before we have a clear eye on the possible issues depending on server-encoding, it might be a fools errand to make a launcher work when the client isn’t even stable on 25% of cases.
In order to keep the OSMC-Vero part isolated to the main tree, I’ve forked moonlight-embedded and renamed it.
Install instructions:
When ever you see [some text], it’s a description of what is supposed to be there with out the [ ]
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git libopus0 libexpat1 libasound2 libudev1 libavahi-client3 \
libcurl4 libevdev2 libssl-dev libopus-dev libasound2-dev libudev-dev \
libavahi-client-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libevdev-dev libexpat1-dev libpulse-dev \
uuid-dev cmake make gcc g++
Depending on your client hardware change the userland:
- vero3-userland-dev-osmc for Vero4(k)
- vero5-userland-dev-osmc for VeroV
sudo apt-get install [correct userland-dev for you] libamcodec-dev-osmc
git clone
cd moonlight-embedded
git submodule update --init --recursive
mkdir build
cd build/
cmake ../
make -j4
Next step would be to install, but there are some path dependencies that isn’t working for OSMC right now, this might change.
------[instead of make install ...]------
mkdir /home/osmc/moonlight
cp moonlight /home/osmc/moonlight/
cp /home/osmc/moonlight/
cp ../moonlight.conf /home/osmc/moonlight/
cp ../third_party/SDL_GameControllerDB/gamecontrollerdb.txt /home/osmc/moonlight/
This changes in moonlight.conf are made for ease in error checking:
#address = /remove # and input the IP-number of your streamsever
#platform = default /remove # and put aml instead of default
#app = Steam / remove # and change to Desktop
Now that you have edited the .conf file it’s time to pair and start trying.
In console (ssh), navigate to your moonlight directory:
./moonlight pair [your sunshine servers ip-number]
./moonlight stream -app Desktop
Later fps, resolution, bitrate might be edited for test purpose.
Next step will be Luna launcher, but it will be worked on mean while we are testing this.