Need help about remote keymap editor

Using keymap editor I was able to set following configuration:

<keymap><global><keyboard><key id=“205”>activatewindow(favourites)</key></keyboard></global></keymap>

What this does is when I press “1” button on my remote it opens the favorite window. But what I want to do is when I press “1” button it should open something in favorites for ex. favorites/zee-marathi.

How can I do that?

There are some window focus actions listed in Kodi’s keymap wiki but I think they only work in certain places and I don’t think the favorites window is one of them. I could be wrong, but I’ve never been able to find a working solution when I’ve tried in the past.

However, if you just have something the you have saved as a favorite be at a press of a button you could just keymap to the item itself instead of the favorites window. If you look in ~/.kodi/userdata/favorites.xml you’ll find it has the paths to where you want to go. For example…

    <favourite name="Misc">ActivateWindow(10025,&quot;smb://;,return)</favourite>
    <favourite name="Plex" thumb="/home/osmc/.kodi/addons/script.plex/icon.png">RunScript(&quot;script.plex&quot;)</favourite>
    <favourite name="American Dad!" thumb="">ActivateWindow(10025,&quot;videodb://tvshows/titles/923/&quot;,return)</favourite>

If I wanted to keymap to open American Dad it shows me the action is (I think you have to replace &quot; with " )…


Thanks, this is exactly what I wanted.

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