Netflix on Vero V: use built-in widevine?

I might have a misconception about Vero V here but bear with me.

As I did on the Vero 4, I have the Netflix addon installed on the Vero V. I had the problem in the past that I could theoretically play 1080p but with time, image and and sound would get asynchronous (up to several seconds) with the occasional stutter in the image. If I would set the resolution to 720p, everything would work fine. Since the Vero 4 was also sweating a bit when using Netflix, I explained this with Widevine latency building up and the CPU not able to catch up.

I was quite excited when I read that (and please correct me) the Vero V would have some hardware optimisation for Widevine. I have Netflix running now and observe the same gradually increasing asynchrony.

I’m fairly certain it’s not a network issue, the Vero V is connected via WiFi but can stream a 60GB movie from my NAS just fine. My internet speed is DSL100k, that should also not limit it. In combination, I think the network is fine.

Is that a settings issue? If there are some hardware features, do I need to switch to a pre-loaded version? Is that behaviour a Widevine issue at all? I don’t really know how to debug this, if you need more info, let me know but otherwise - pointers are welcome.

As I understand it the changes with the Vero V still need software updates to be implemented. The way these add-ons work at this very moment is the same as with the previous Vero.


Understand. Is there a timeline attached to this? And is that actually relevant in my case?

Not that I’m aware of.

Vero V comes with Widevine L1 and HDCP2.2 keys provisioned in the device. We do not however have a Netflix ESN so playback is likely to be limited to 1080p for this service.

We have done a proof of concept Widevine L1 demo on S905X2/X3 but the security model has changed on X4. We are cautious and want to develop and introduce support in a way that works for users reliably. We are also reluctant to introduce something that may be deprecated in the future.

As such we’re working closely with Google and AMLogic on integration, and we plan to target industrial customers first. It may be the case that this ends up the only use case – which is why we’re careful not to advertise it for consumer use at this time.

The good news is that there won’t be any further licensing requirements in the future – your device has already been provisioned with the necessary HDCP2.2, HDCP1.4 and Widevine L1 keys that must be burned at the factory and cannot be provisioned over the air.

The Vero V will handle Widevine better in software than its predecessor as it has a faster CPU, the the ultimate goal is for full hardware acceleration of these streams as well as access to Widevine L1 content instead of just Widevine L3.



I understand. Then I understood that correctly.
With my issue at present I can only just guess whether Widevine L3 is the limiting factor - would you be aware of a way to verify this at present?

Currently you will only get Widevine L3 and software based decoding.

This is what we plan to change in the future.


Does widevine still require 32-bit userspace on Vero4K+?

I see the Asahi Fedora Linux people recently (3 hours ago) published a project on github that supposedly makes it easy to use Widevine L3 on aarch64 userspace :slight_smile:

Yes - but I have outlined 64-bit changes recently on the blog. When we move to Debian Bookworm we aim to be fully 64bit based

When will the Prime Video addon be able to “access” Widevine L1 on the Vero V? Because then the prime content can at least be played in 1080p, as far as I understand correctly?!

Thank You

When it’s ready - the device already has the appropriate licensing but it needs to be fully integrated.

There were other things we wanted to look at first.

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