I am having trouble mounting my network drives. I use /etc/fstab and had to change IP addresses but putting the new one in doesn’t work now.
When I try: sudo mount -t cifs "// Media" "/mnt/QQ Media" -o rw,iocharset=utf8,username=****,password=****,uid=osmc,gid=osmc,file_mode=0770,dir_mode=0770,vers=3.0
I get the error “Couldn’t chdir to /mnt/QQ Media: No such device”
The IP address is correct. I can mount and use the drives from my other Macs. Can anyone help? Thanks.
I have read that and seem to have everything correct in my command. I just can’t figure out what is wrong. Can anyone see an error or give me a hint on what to try? Thanks.