New Vero V user some questions on video and remote etc

Not really coding, but Chillbo tagged me as keymapping is a topic that I’m overly familiar with. The option exists for a great deal of customization with how the OSMC remote acts. I’d suggest to start with the guide I wrote and if you require assistance from there I’d suggest to ask with specific details on how you would want the remote to act (dedicated button or only in some screens and which button etc.) The guide is here…

But with that being said if you can configure suspend to happen automatically in settings>system>power savings> and you can configure your CEC settings to allow power on and off which is keymapped to the home button.

And also I personally would recommend not to concern yourself greatly about power usage. The topic of vampire power (or whatever someone would choose to call it) has been covered multiple times over the years and the long and short of it is that your looking at something like three watts of usage from either a a Vero or a Pi and that just isn’t very much.

Try setting it and then use the back button instead of the home button to exit the settings screen and then go to power and exit and see if that makes it stick.

More information would lead to a better answer but I’d venture a guess that if you went to settings>media>library>videos>add videos>browse>add a network location> and then just filled out the protocol, device name/ip, and credentials (if applicable), and then clicked “OK”, and then selected the new location showing in that browse screen it dropped you back to, then it may get you to where you want to be.