New Vero V user some questions on video and remote etc

Yes, or using a powered USB hub such as the one sold in the store.

Is this an external enclosure that you purchased and put a drive into? If so, some of these enclosures tend to have better Linux support than others. Also, some drives that were not intended specifically for low power applications can draw more current than what one might expect and this can be an issue when plugged into an appliance type device despite it frequently not being an issue with a PC (which more often than not have a more generous current allowance than USB spec.)

Y cables can work just fine when your on the margin, but a powered hub is probably the better choice in a static application for both expandability and reliability.

I didnā€™t know you actually had a USB hub for sale. Oh well, Iā€™ll try to get one locally.

Canā€™t wait two more weeks for a hub (swedish customs sux).

I also got a V recently and have finished setting everything up from scratch instead of using a backup from my 4K+. The remote has the same behaviour as the OPā€™s. On the 4, I had to be careful because the remote was quite sensitive to accidental presses whereas on the V, I get missed presses now and then. Itā€™s powered by the power supply that came with it, a network cable and HDMI (not the one supplied). I have nothing on the USB ports (I have read here about interference) but I do have a NAS, router, AV receiver and BD player in the vicinity.

@Winters: when did you order your device? Do you have an order number?



@sam_nazarko The order number was 60715 and it was ordered on April 23rd.

Two more thingsā€¦

Is it possible to arrange the order of the power menu?

When I scrape my NAS, there are stuff missing. Where can I find it a manually try to match it with movies?

Unfortunately the menu is static.
You can check the logs to see what files are not scanned. Usually itā€™s a naming issue


How do I know correct naming then?

If you maintain your library such that each movie is either named ā€œmovie_name (year).extā€, or else each movie is in itā€™s own folder using the format ā€œmovie_name (year)/filename.extā€ then you should very rarely run into any scraping issues for movies. If you want to fix something existing there are a few options. One method would be to navigate to the file via videos>files>source>path to filrm> and once you have the film highlighted hit the info button and hit refresh, or else context menu and choose the option to scrape to library. Another option for something that is stubborn would be to make a ā€œparsing nfoā€ file. You can google for more info but it consists of just finding the url of the movie on whatever scraper your using and then making a text file named the same as the movie, located next to the movie, but with a ā€œnfoā€ extension, and in that file it should have just the url from the scraper site. When Kodi goes to scan the item into the library (or refresh from the info screen) the scraper will see that file and use the info found for the url provided.

Please note that this is basic Kodi info that can be found on Kodiā€™s wiki. I would encourage you to check it out as it is generally a pretty good place to answer a lot of the basic Kodi usage questions as well as the more common advanced tasks.

Itā€™s a bit much to get used to, but Iā€™m getting there. Thanks for all the answers. :slight_smile:

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Iā€™m finding the CEC a bit sensitive on the Vero V.

No matter how I set it, it seems to constantly take over whatever HDMI I start.

Not even turning it off seem to work 100%.

I may actually try a non-CEC adapter to fix this.

Have you tried adjusting the settings? Pretty much any CEC behaviour can be changed.

I recommend sticking with hdmi-cec if you find the remote that came with your Vero a little flaky.

I picked up the Vero V just last month. The only thing that I didnā€™t like was the remote that came with it as it would just constantly not work and miss button presses (known issue).

After setting up CEC on my LG and using the Keymap Editor add-on to reprogram some of the TV remote buttons, I donā€™t use the Kodi remote at all now.

This isnā€™t a known issue. Itā€™s been fixed for a long time.

Have you opened a post about this?


I can only speak from personal experience.

I read through the previous form posts and tried all the suggested fixes and it still didnt work correctly. Vero is on the latest OSMC version also.

Happy to get this solved for you, just email with order details.

Itā€™s actually fine thanks @sam_nazarko.

I donā€™t really want to use the Vero remote anyway as the remote for my LG TV is a better solution all round; one less remote to use and has extra buttons that Iā€™ve programmed.

I also experience this quite often.