NHL.tv in KODI using inputstream.adaptive


I’m using the app NHL.tv with my Vero 4k. It seems to just stream the SD version and what i understand it is due to the inputstream adaptive is not active as default in KODI/OSMC. im using the latest version of osmc april 2019.
Activating this i read that i would need to remove the switch resolution to get it streaming on the highest stream possible. Is that correct or did i miss something? I havent tried activating the adaptive yet as i wanted to check if it would affect all the local playing files first. i like that the films represent the correct frame rate (ie resolution switching) and would I like to make the NHL app work at highest resolution as in androidtv it is horrible to watch. I hope i made myself clear.

here is some of the link i read:


I’m not sure. The maintainer will likely be able to answer this better than us.


Activating InputStream won’t affect local files. Youtube uses the same method for higher quality streams. You will need to enable InputStream_Adaptive and in the settings of that add-on enable the option ignore resolution so that detection/limitations are skipped.

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Thanks a lot that solved it! Thank you for super quick response!

Playing with YouTube now and that works as well. HDR seem so be more complicated so will check that as well.

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Thanks for helping @nAFutro