No access to shared music files on ATV 1

I can’t seem to get my osmc to point to my music on my network drive (samba). When I go to the Music menu it only allows me to access the add-ons. When I click on the “Files” sub-menu it shows me only the option for Add-ons. In the Video main menu I have Add-ons and Files, and I was able set up directories to get to my videos and movies. The same for Photos, but when it comes to music, it’s different. Why is there a “Files” sub-menu but not ability to direct it to other sources like in the other menus?

Thanks for the help.

OSMC 2015.12-3 (kernel: Linux 4.2.3-6 osmc)

I just finished configuring Kodi on OSMC with my audio mp3 files.

  1. Copied my “itunes Music” directory to my network drive and shared it.

  2. Went into “Music”->“add music” and added the shared directory as a music source.
    (When i click on Music, it shows “Music Add-ons” and “add-music…”

  3. Went into “Settings”->“Music”->“Library” and enabled “Fetch Additional Information during updates”

  4. Went into “Music”-> Selected the newly created music source, and clicked “Scan item to library” from the extended menu, which is accessed by holding the menu button down on the ATV1 remote.

Once the library finished updating, all my music files where listed in the music menu along with fanart.

This procedure is not specific to OSMC.
I can do it with either the OSMC skin or the Confluence skin.

Because of that, you can find all the documentation on the kodi wiki page for adding music to the library:

Thanks for responding to this.

Suffice it to say, that I am still struggling with it because I don’t see the contextual menus pop up that I see on the Kodi sight, nor what you say. For instance, I don’t get an “add music”. Mine only shows Music add-ons.

I believe this is a Kodi issue more than an OSMC matter. So I will leave it here. Thx again.


It may simply be a skin problem.

Are you using the “OSMC” skin or the “Confluence” skin ?

The official OSMC skin has a slightly different way of accessing the menus, than the default Kodi skin, which is called “Confluence”.
The menus are there in the OSMC skin, just not accessed in 100% the same way.

If you are following online tutorials, you may find it easier to switch to the “Confluence” skin by selecting it under Settings->Appearance->Skin

After you have finished with the online tutorial, you can simply switch back the OSMC skin the same way.

Cheers !