No boot after April update


After april update, my rpi2 won’t boot anymore
No ssh, no green led at startup.

It’s the third time that update fails with major issue (smb, december, april) !!!

Can someone help ?

I will answer myself
start_x.elf in FAT partition will not be update. i don’t know why
With latest start_x.elf, rpi2 will boot


Same for me.

Where do you get old start_x.elf ?

I check on the downloadable .img and found only a start_cd.elf which is really smaller.


It’s not old but new one
I have made a fresh install with another sd card and an update of this.
After this, I have made binary comparaison between both sd card on fat partition. The start_x.elf was different so i have replace this and now, it boot correctly.

The start_x.elf that correct my issue if it can help

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This issue isn’t affecting everyone.
Can you list any non-default settings in config.txt?
Can you describe any peripherals attached to Pi?

There have been a few firmwares since last update. You can download these firmware files. See:

Click on a specific commit, then click view on start_x.elf. Now click the “Raw” button and you can download that file.
Do the same for fixup_x.dat and replace the ones on your sdcard.

Try to find the newest start_x.elf/fixup_x.dat which works and that should narrow down the problem.

It’s strange because after two installation, my rp2 didn’t boot. I tried a third installation to follow this workaround and this time my rp2 booted (without changing start_x.elf)

I can’t find my start_x.elf in commit
date 03/29.

I have found. It’s the latest
Why update will not download the correct file ? I don’t know.
I can upload config.txt if need
The only connected device is ir receiver component on gpio 17-18
I have also force boot to hi res hdmi

My config.txt


Most likely this is due to file system corruption on the /boot partition which is FAT32 and does not get an automatic filesystem check on boot.

I would try unmounting /boot then run fsck on it then reboot.