No GUI sounds or Music, Movies OK

I’m not sure when this happened as I haven’t listened to music through my Vero For a while but I don’t hear 2 channel sound. I used to.

This applies to the GUI sounds too, nothing at all.

Movies play fine (All the DD & DTS formats).

I’m using the HDMI output, I have passthrough enabled (for HDMI), I have play GUI sounds set to Always, Keep Alive as always, send low volume noise on. I’ve been playing with the System/Audio settings all night - including reset to defaults - without effect.

Any idea how to fix this?

Firmware is up to date.

Please post a log so we can see your audio settings.

I just went to enable debug logging and noticed that the system sounds were back. Tested music playback and all is well.

All it needed was a good night’s sleep.

But seriously, I was also re-wiring unrelated inputs to my AV receiver this morning and had the power off to both devices. Maybe a hard power cycle (rather than soft reboot - which I did do) fixed whatever was misconfigured.