No internet connection

Hi folks

I connect my Vero 4K via Wifi.

Everytime I go to use it there is no internet connection. I have to reboot it which will prompt connection and everything is fine until the following day when I have to repeat.

Any ideas? Do I need to set static IP address?

No, you shouldn’t have to set a static IP address, an automatic (DHCP) address should be just fine. How are you establishing that there isn’t internet connectivity? Once the machine is in this state can you talk to it on your network by any other means (HTTP/SSH/SMB/Ping)?

I think seeing logs might be a good idea.

Thanks for reply. I need to find out how to copy/supply logs. Not sure how to connect to Vero 4K using samba as I’ve forgotten process

Can see no internet connectivity on the network page - wireless
There is no IP address and no connection, but if I reboot it will always pick up a new connection?

When this happens try and attach an Ethernet cable and post some logs
