No kodi sound output if spotify-connect-web server is active

I’ve got it working now on my Vero 2 by using the chroot version from

and implementing the mixer_volume fix by @trohn_javolta: [HowTo] Setup a spotify-connect-web-server on a Raspberry Pi with OSMC - #13 by trohn_javolta

and starting it with
./ --playback_device “plughw:CARD=AMLM8AUDIO,DEV=0”
that @sam_nazarko adviced (edit: with only change --device to --playback_device as --device is deprecated).

This way when I start music in Kodi, the spotify is automatically paused, and when I start music in Spotify the Kodi music is automatically paused. And the music from Kodi is going through SPDIF and from Spotify through analogue (if I understand it right).

The volume control would be very nice to get working though, so I’m wondering if anyone found a solution to that, ie removing the need to use the mixer_volume fix above that makes it impossible to change the volume?

Edit: Seems like Spotify is using SPDIF also, at least according to my AVR that has its “digital” led light lit when playing from Spotify. This is a bit puzzling, since as I understand it DEV 0 is supposed to be analogue? Anyway, if Kodi and Spotify are indeed using the same output, then at least the problem with Spotify not releasing the output after playback stopped is fixed. This seems also to be confirmed if looking at the output from putty at start of playback: “device acquired” and after playback: “device released”.

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