No more UPNP client after December Vero V update

I’ll have another look - I may have an idea. Thx for the info and the screenshots, that’s very helpful!

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Could you be so kind as to check one thing for me? Is the content type ‘photos’ always visible in the top right corner when the issue occurs?

And may I know which addon you’re using when the issue occurs?


Yes that seems to be a pattern.
Every directory that shows empty has […] (50) photos in blue at the top right.
Below is an example of a directory it can see, followed by two that it can’t see.

#1: Can See

#2: Can’t See

#3: Can’t See

The only add-ons that I have added besides what comes enabled by default are:

Add-on browser → Context menus → Play Random Videos
Add-on browser → Weather → Multi Weather
Settings → Interface → Skin → Configure Skin → Skin Shortcuts, Autocompletion, Library Node Editor

I disabled “Play Random Videos” even though it was probably unlikely, and there was no difference.

OK, the answer is very simple then: This content type is not defined by Kodi and should never even be set in the first place - or it’s again not documented properly.

You’re not using any UPnP addons, simply Kodi’s own client?

Also here is a picture of browsing the original content example I took the other day as seen on a device that I hadn’t updated yet. Yes I own way too many of these things lol

I’m aware of where the issue originates when it comes to changes made to our skin - those changes do make sense, but these consequences are an unwanted side effect mainly related to missing documentation…

The only thing I did to use UPnP is:

Settings → Services → General → Announce services to other systems and set a device name
Settings → Services → UPnP /DLNA → Enable UPnP support

I can’t find anything under Add-Ons that is UPnP.
I didn’t explicitly add any add-on to start using UPnP.

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Thx for this info :+1:t3:

No problem :-).
If you need me to check anything else later on just let me know.

Since you said you understand it, just out of curiosity …

Why can it see the content in #1, but not #2 and #3?
All directories have .jpg image files and .mp4 video files.

I would understand if it classified the folder as photos and hid the content any time it saw a .jpg, but where is the pattern? Which file type is documented incorrectly?

I guess, in the first sample there are more videos than images, resulting in a ‘movies’ content type. With the same amount of images and videos, the content type seems to be ‘photos’.

Not only is that strange - this all happening in Kodi core, it shouldn’t happen in the first place considering that content type ‘photos’ shouldn’t exist and that this “addon” (the Kodi UPnP client) shouldn’t set any content types like these at all.

Looking at the Kodi documentation for setInfo images seems to be the appropriate content type for UPnP photos / pictures. I’ve been using files for many years. I will need to look at the implication of changing to images.

Good thread.


Files or images would work. I have absolutely no idea why Kodi itself would set “photos” which isn’t documented anywhere and no skin seems to specifically support.

I believe this to be a Kodi issue really, but let’s see what TK says: Kodi UPnP client sets content type nowhere documented or used? · Issue #24580 · xbmc/xbmc · GitHub

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@Chillbo I want to let you know that I got my Feb 2024 OSMC update on my Vero V and it resolved the OSMC skin UPnP file type issues that I was having (without me manually editing Viewtype50).

Since we’re talking about what is viewable on the OSMC skin for UPnP, I have a question.

I use an NTFS hard drive hooked up to directly to one of my Veros on one of the TVs, and then the other Veros connect to that device by UPnP. On the main media player I made an advancedsettings.xml in .kodi/userdata to successfully hide the $RECYCLE.BIN and System Volume Information folders in the root directory since it was cluttered seeing them.

I’m wondering if there is a way to similarly hide them when reading the drive over UPnP. It’s a little nitpick seeing those 2 folders there and I know sometimes the advice is “well don’t have your folders in the root directory”, but I’m stubborn. :slight_smile:

If not, that’s OK, but I figured it might be worth it to ask.

How did you get the official February update? Not available for my Vero V.

It has been in staging for a little bit now but there would be no point in switching to staging for this as the update will be general release any minute now.

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This update is now live.

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