No permissions for external HD - Error: Transport endpoint is not connected

Hi, I’m new here. I gonna tell you my issues with a recent OSMC installation.

I’ve performed the installation of the osmc with a samba, transmission and an external HD of 3TB with external power supply.

The problem is that the HD is correctly mounted when the rpi starts, but after a while, without any reason, the HD is not longer recognized by the rpi and the transmission web interface says " Transport endpoint is not connected" in each torrent file. After some checking, I have checked through ssh that the mount point is right, but when this happens the permissions of the /media/OSMC (external HD) is like the image:

Has anyone encountered this issue before? Before the disconnection, the permissions were the same that the RECOVERY folder, owner osmc and all the permissions. Never in linux I have found this issue before with external HDs.

How is the drive formatted?

Also try running

mount -o remount /dev/sda

Or whatever the device node is.

the drive is formatted in exfat.
Also looking the fstab, the drive is not mounted there but is automounted automatically when bootup

This is the output:

osmc@osmc:/media$ sudo mount -o remount /dev/sda1
FUSE exfat 1.1.0
WARN: volume was not unmounted cleanly.
fuse: failed to access mountpoint /media/OSMC: Transport endpoint is not connected

Try an fstab mount which will use the kernel driver. I think exfat-fuse has some bugs, as well as the overhead of running via userspace


This is the line in fstab, I’m going to reboot the pi and wait to see if happens again. I get the options from another site, hoping is right

UUID=FA01-FBBF /media/OSMC exfat defaults,auto,umask=000,users,rw 0 0

I have the impression that the above error means a handle was lost to the drive, but FUSE didn’t quite know that. I suspect there was a drive power cycle between or some inactivity.


Do you know if the HD can enter in hibernation or something from the rpi? Because when you reboot works fine and it’s mounted, but after a while the HD is still in /media folder mounted but with any permissions or link with the real HD. I’m trying now with the fstab file, if not, I will reformat the drive to ext4, but will be able to share from samba to a windows PC using this format? because it was my first concern.

Thanks a lot for the help

Yes, the disk can (and should) spin down after a period of time.

Samba is filesystem independent, in that its clients do not know nor care for the underlying filesystem implementation. If your long term goal is to share files from OSMC, I recommend an ext4 based filesystem completely.

So, taking your recommendation I’m going to format the HD again to ext4. I prefer to solve this now because the HD is empty…hahah

Thanks again, hoping that doesn’t happen with the new format.

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Won’t have problems with ext4 unless the drive is dodgy.
