No sound on Analogue Out using MPD [solved]

Strictly speaking this is not an OSMC problem but an ,pc/mpd problem

I’ve installed mpd which I use as an alarm clock with an entry in crontab
The stations.m3u is just a text file with 7 internet radio stations

sudo apt install mpd mpc

Entry in crontab:

30 07 * * 1-5 mpc load stations; mpc play 1; mpc volume 30
15 08 * * 1-5 mpc stop

This has always worked. I used a second USB sound card, to direct sound to external speakers but quality was not great, so decided to use internal 3.5mm analogue out.

Since taking out the USB sound card I cannot get mpc output on the nalogue 3.5mm connector, I’m sure this is an error in /etc/mpd.conf

Below is the audio config in /etc/mpd.conf:

# An example of an ALSA output:
#   first sound card hw:0,0 internal 3.5mm
audio_output {
	type		"alsa"
	name		"Alsa Output"
	device		"hw:0,0"
	format		"44100:16:2"
	mixer_device	"default"
	mixer_control	"PCM"
#	mixer_index	"0"
audio_output {
	type		"alsa"
	name		"ALSA HDMI"
	device		"hw:0,1"	# optional
	format		"44100:16:2"	# optional
	mixer_device	"default"	# optional
	mixer_control	"PCM"		# optional
	mixer_index	"0"		# optional
#audio_output {
#	type		"alsa"
#	name		"USB sound card"
#	device		"hw:1,0"	# optional
#	format		"48000:16:2"	# optional
#	mixer_device	"hw:1"          # optional
#	mixer_control	"Speaker"	# optional
#	mixer_index	"0"		# optional

The alsa hardware devices are shown below in output of aplay -l
aplay -l
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: ALSA [bcm2835 ALSA], device 0: bcm2835 ALSA [bcm2835 ALSA]
Subdevices: 7/7
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
Subdevice #1: subdevice #1
Subdevice #2: subdevice #2
Subdevice #3: subdevice #3
Subdevice #4: subdevice #4
Subdevice #5: subdevice #5
Subdevice #6: subdevice #6
card 0: ALSA [bcm2835 ALSA], device 1: bcm2835 IEC958/HDMI [bcm2835 IEC958/HDMI]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: ALSA [bcm2835 ALSA], device 2: bcm2835 IEC958/HDMI1 [bcm2835 IEC958/HDMI1]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

It does not matter whether I use hw:0,0 or hw:0,1 sound from mpc is now played via the HDMI lead into TV speakers

Logs on Pastebin:
pastebin Log

Thanks if anyone can help strictly speaking this is nothing to do with OSMC

As a final note the audio 3.5mm output and associated amp and speakers are working.
If i go to OSMC settings, audio and change output from HDMI to analog out, sound is redirected to speakers,

After some more configuration, it appears I cannot redirect sound to the analog output,
so instead have reinstalled my C-Media USB sound card.
This works ok as I can stream internet radio direct to the external speakers connected to the USB sound card, and have the option in kodi to direct sound to this card as well.
Have marked this as solved now