Been using my vero4k as a docker for over 1 year now, and I’ve heard some thoughts about using/repurpose your aging 4k.
I’ve created a .deb package and hosted on github with source, for people to enjoy/alter/pr. This is what it does to your system:
Stop and Disables mediacenter from starting again at reboot.
Installs fzf, bat, tldr, zoxide, ripgrep, mc, screen and aml-vnc as deb packages
lazydocker as binary (version 0.24.1 tested and working)
eza as binarys v.0.20.20 tested and working) (needs to run as sudo, and sets up your vero4 as an arm64 dockerserver) (install osmc samba that autoshares your automounts, but also downloads a python version of wsdd service, to make sure your vero4 is seen on the windows network. ads osmc smbuser and ask you to provide a password)
.deb and all source can be found at:
Ps. For those that don’t know how to install shell:
Does this keep the vero4k on bullseye? or does this use bookworm?
(I needed to upgrade my vero4k to bookworm in order to get the arm64 libraries for the docker environment in order to run some of my docker images that did not support armf)
This has nothing to do with bookworm. I studied Dockers install script and instead of just using arch environment, I rewrote it to set arm64 as arch in the script*instead of detecting it(. As you know, left on it’s own it will install armvhf docker binaries, and hindering you from running arm64 containers.
This just force arm64 docker binaries to be installed, which in turn makes life a lot easier with modern containers.
ps. You know that kernel on the Vero4k has had 64bit support as long as I remember, so executing arm64 code is no issue.
Edit: changed spelling mistakes and wording issues.