Nzbget + folder/file created as root

Not sure if it’s an OSMC issue, or an NZBGet issue. I suspect NZBGet and I’ll post on their forum too.
I’ve had NZBGet installed since version 15 on this Pi/setup since before a tutorial appeared on these forums. All has been well, updated when available.

It’s been running fine, I’m on the July update of OSMC (have been since it was released), and on version 21 of NZBGet.
I updated NZBGet on the 17th September.
NZBGet starts up with a script in /etc/init.d/nzbget

Things have downloaded fine to various folders, I’ve rebooted my Raspberry Pi multiple times since the 17th, files have been downloading into folders with osmc:osmc as the owner.

Until tonight, and folders have started to get root:root as the owner.
NZBGet config has a “DaemonUsername” option which is set to osmc.
The process is running as root.
I’ve tried chmod +s and chown osmc:osmc on the executable. That didn’t go well, as unrar application had root execute permissions. I might chown the full folder to osmc but not sure how well that will work out.

As far as I’m aware, nothing has changed since my last download 2 days ago which had osmc as folder owner.

Any ideas what might have happened?

Seems it may be a permission issue.
I installed NZBGet verions 20, 21, and 21-testing, and did a chown -R osmc:osmc on the nzbget folder, and it would still run as root and create folders as root, regardless of the “DaemonUsername” setting.
I’ve installed version 18 again and did the chown there too, same DaemonUsername setting, and it performs as it did before, with folders created with the osmc:osmc ownership.

Seems versions 20+ stop working that way. Definitely a NZBGet issue, just odd it waited a week to be a problem.
I’ll stick with version 18 for now.