OK Button Long Press No Longer Working

I have a ‘tiny keyboard’ that I plug into my Vero via a USB wireless dongle. There is an “OK” button on this keyboard that I can press to initiate playing an item in my library. This button would also bring up the context menu if I long pressed it.

It is no longer doing this. If I long press the “OK” button now, it takes me to the “…” item in the library at the top of the list. But it also weirdly shows me an “alternate” list of items in my library. By alternate, I mean it is a smaller list of items and everything that I’ve watched is no longer checked.

I’d really like to get the long press of the “OK” button working again. Has anyone experienced this before?

This is entirely by design. When you plug in a dongle for an OSMC remote (or you have a Vero V which has a dongle inside it) Kodi loads up a special keymap that has been highly tuned to this particular remote. This keymap can be disabled entirely, or alternatively, one can add in additional keymaps to further tune the controls to their preference. You can find out more in the following guide…

In your case the keymap you would add to your keymap folder would look like this…

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
			<return mod="longpress">ContextMenu</return>
			<return mod="longpress"/>
			<return mod="longpress"/>
			<return mod="longpress"/>
			<return mod="longpress"/>
			<return mod="longpress"/>
			<return mod="longpress"/>
			<return mod="longpress"/>
			<return mod="longpress"/>
			<return mod="longpress"/>
			<return mod="longpress"/>
			<return mod="longpress"/>

It does not seem weird to me to have the ability to quickly and easily cycle between showing only unwatched and all items in a library view.

Thank you, that worked. I think when I upgraded to the new Vero V, the behavior of this button long press changed. That’s what was throwing me off. And I didn’t realize that the “alternate” list was just the unwatched movies.

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This behavior has been the same for years, but if your previous player didn’t have an OSMC dongle plugged in then this keymap in question wouldn’t have loaded and therefore wouldn’t have made this tweak. It always loads with a Vero V by default, but it can be turned off if desired as outlined in that guide, or tweaked as mentioned. I’m glad to see that has got you sorted now.

I really appreciate the help. Thank you.

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